School Wide Student Behaviour Support and Inclusive Education

Reservoir West Primary School is committed to the implementation of a whole school approach to Inclusive Education and Positive Behaviour Support for engagement and learning. Our Student Behaviour Support approach integrates the Multi-Tiered System of Support framework, Positive Behaviour Support restorative practices, and social / emotional learning. Our message is that every member of the school community has a right to learn, the right to feel safe and is responsible for learning and behaviour. We strive to educate our students to build on strengths, overcome challenges and value respect, responsibility and resilience.

At Reservoir West Primary School, we believe:

Every student matters every day.           All students can be high achievers.


Our School Wide Positive Behaviour matrix supports and teaches our values:

  • Respect & Responsibility: for Yourself, Others, your School and your Learning
  • Wisdom: to make appropriate decisions and dare to be innovative
  • Persistence: continuing to strive for excellence in all that we do
  • Success: in life-long learning with a global perspective

What is the SBS School-wide MTSS Framework / Continuum of Behaviour Support?

A relatively small proportion of students (1-15%) have learning histories that cause general school-wide interventions to be ineffective (i.e. behaviour not responsive) and these students require additional specialised and individualised interventions.

Reservoir West thinks of school-wide discipline systems as being important foundations for:

  1. Supporting the majority of students
  2. Preventing the development of chronic concerning behaviour for students with high risk backgrounds and learning histories
  3. Identifying (screening) and providing more specialised and individualised behaviour supports for students with high intensity, difficult to change, problem behaviours


Strategies to support and teach behaviour

Strategies used at Reservoir West Primary to support and teach expected behaviours include:

  • Values and expected behaviours introduced and explicitly modelled during Learning to Lean, then referred in class daily
  • Our Right and Responsibilities to be safe and learn as much as possible
  • Visual reminders placed indoors and outdoors
  • Positive acknowledgment reward system
  • Principal's Award
  • Student of the Week awards
  • Clearly defined behaviours with steps for dealing with problem behaviours
  • Student Behaviour Flow chart

For students who require Tier 2 & 3 interventions we implement some or all of the following:

  • Student Profile
  • Student Behaviour Summary Profile
  • Individual Education Plans for students working 12-months below level
  • Check In, Check Out process
  • Daily Behaviour Observations
  • Create Behaviour Chronicles on Compass
  • Student Support Group meetings
  • Wellbeing Support

The following charts have been developed over the last three years with input from our school community.

© 2024 Reservoir West Primary School