Wednesday 3rd September 2025 |
Wednesday 10th September 2025 |
Two group activity sessions will be conducted by our Foundation teachers for children commencing their Foundation year in 2026. During these sessions the children will be exposed to some structured and unstructured learning and play activities. These sessions will be conducted from 9.45 until 10.45 am on the above days.
Wednesday 15th October 2025 Surnames A – K 9:30 am – 10:45 am Surnames L – Z 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm |
A Teddy Bears' Picnic for enrolled Foundation students will commence in the Foundation classrooms over two sessions. The session for surnames A-K will be held at 9.30 am and will conclude at 10.45 am. The session for surnames L-Z will be held at 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm. The children will participate in fun activities with their Teddy Bears. Children are to bring along a snack and drink for the Picnic. Parents are invited to a morning/afternoon tea in the staffroom during those times, at which members of the school leadership team will be available to answer any questions. it will also allow new parents to meet and mingle.
Surnames A – K Wednesday 5th November 2025 Surnames L – Z Wednesday 12th November 2025 |
The Classroom Experience Session commences at 11.45 am and concludes at 1.30 pm. The 2025 Foundation students will spend the session in the classrooms participating in Literacy, Numeracy and developmental play activities. Children are asked to bring along lunch. Parents are asked to not stay with their children.
Wednesday 26th November 2025 |
An online Information Evening will be held for parents/guardians of 2025 Foundation students. The evening will commence at 6.30 pm. Parents/guardians will be given comprehensive details of school operations and curriculum. The 2025 Foundation Handbook will also be available and discussed.
Friday 30th January 2026 |
In 2026 the Foundation students commence their schooling on Friday 30th January at 9.30 am and will be dismissed at 1.00 pm on that day. Preps do not attend school on Wednesdays for the next four weeks. For the first two weeks of school (Monday 2nd February – Friday 13th), Foundation students are dismissed at 2.45 pm. All dates and times will be provided in the 2026 Foundation Handbook.
© 2024 Reservoir West Primary School